Rules of use of the health club of hotel Safmar Grand Moscow

The rules for visiting the health club are mandatory for hotel guests, club members, club guests and third parties. The rules are not exhaustive, as the Administration has the right to supplement and change them independently.

1. Name and location

1.1. The Health Club of the Safmar Grand Hotel Moscow, hereinafter referred to as the “Club”, is located in the Safmar Grand Hotel Moscow at 26/1, Tverskaya Street, Moscow, 125009.

2. Visiting the Club

2.1. We recommend that before attending the Club you consult your physician and have your physical condition tested.
2.2. Prior to starting any activities at the Club, it is necessary to undergo an introductory briefing.
2.3. The Club is free of charge for guests registered at the hotel.
2.4. Guests who are not registered in the hotel, at their own discretion, choose the type of visit to the Club:
-One-time visit.
-Club membership cards.
2.5. The Club can be visited only after payment of the service fee.
2.6. To receive additional services, the Club's guests must make an appointment with the Club's staff in advance and pay for the services.
2.7. The guest is obliged to leave the Club after the expiration of the time specified in the subscription.
2.8. The Club is open daily from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
2.9. The Club reserves the right to change the opening hours.

3. Obligations of the Club

3.1. To provide guests with all types of services necessary for maintaining and improving health at an appropriate level.
3.2. To maintain the equipment necessary for activities and relaxation in good condition and to maintain the professional level of staff.

4. Rights of the Club

4.1. The management of the Club reserves the right to ask the guest to leave the Club if he/she violates the rules of behavior, also, the management has the right to terminate the membership agreement without refund, refuse to renew the agreement, if it considers it appropriate.
4.2. The club management has the right to close a part of the club or the whole club due to repair works or special events without prior notice. They may also change the opening hours of the club accordingly.
4.3. Management reserves the right to change the amount of membership fees and the cost of services at its discretion.
4.4. Management reserves the right to change, cancel, make additions to the rules.

5. Guests of the Club must strictly adhere to the following requirements:

5.1. Follow the safety rules to avoid injuries.
5.2. Obtain instructions on how to use the equipment when using the gym for the first time.
5.3. Treat the Club's property with care, clean up the sports equipment after training sessions.
5.4. Wear clean, appropriate clothing and footwear for physical activity that covers both the upper and lower parts of the body and meets safety standards when using the gym.
5.5. Wear a swimsuit, clean special footwear, and tie long hair in a ponytail or bun when using the pool and adjacent sauna or bath complexes.
5.6. Be attentive and move carefully in the locker rooms, showers, bath complexes and other areas of the Club, be sure to use special replaceable, clean, stable and non-slip shoes.
5.7. Observe personal and general hygiene rules and maintain cleanliness within the Club.
5.8. The towels and bathrobes provided by the Club for temporary use shall be used exclusively for body hygiene, not to throw them on the floor, not to wipe shoes with them, including not to leave them in the bath complexes.
5.9. Before using the swimming pool and solarium, as well as before and after using the bath complex, it is necessary to take a shower.
5.10. Observe the principles of sports ethics.
5.11. To treat each other, the Club employees, third parties, the Club property and it’s guests with respect and care.
5.12. Keep personal belongings and clothes in special lockers while in the Club.
5.13. Avoid using the Club if you suffer from colds and infectious diseases.

6.Prohibited Activities on the Club’s Territory:

6.1. Being or exercising in areas designated for physical activities with bare torsos, in swimwear (except in the pool area), in outerwear, street or dirty footwear, flip-flops (except in the pool area), barefoot or in socks.
6.2. Swimming in the pool wearing underwear.
6.3. Jumping or diving from the edge of the pool into the pool and from the stairs into the pool (including in the Jacuzzi and from the Jacuzzi into the pool).
6.4. Playing, jumping, diving, or otherwise behaving disruptively in the pool, locker room, shower, jacuzzi, or bath complex.
6.5. Removing sports equipment from the Club.
6.6. Throwing or otherwise mishandling equipment (dumbbells, barbells, weights, etc.), which can damage equipment, furniture, and premises, cause excessive noise, or pose a risk to health.
6.7. Eating in areas designated for physical activities, relaxation zones, and locker rooms.
6.8. Using glass or other breakable containers for drinks or food in all areas of the Club. Only use plastic cups or other containers.
6.9. Smoking or using smoking devices, including electronic cigarettes, hookahs, vaporizers, etc.
6.10. To be on the Club premises in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic intoxication, as well as to take alcohol and narcotic drugs.
6.11. Using inappropriate language in conversations or on the phone within the Club.
6.12. Speaking loudly, disrespectfully, or aggressively, or engaging in behavior that disrupts others.
6.13. Violating generally accepted norms of behavior in public places.
6.14. Using perfume, ointments, and other cosmetic products with strong odors, or products that can damage or pollute the Club’s equipment, premises, or interior (honey, mud masks, oils, etc.).
6.15. Conducting video or photo shoots in the Club without written permission from the Administration.
6.16. Being on the Club’s premises with exposed body parts, except in locker rooms, showers, or bath complexes.
6.17. Bringing animals onto the Club’s premises.

7. Children

7.1. Children aged 6 and over must use the locker room appropriate to their gender.
7.2. It is forbidden to leave children and teenagers under the age of 16 unattended on the territory of the Club, including in the locker rooms, swimming pool, bathing complex.
7.3. Children and teenagers under the age of 18 are not allowed to visit the gym.
7.4. Children and teenagers under the age of 18 are not allowed to visit the swimming pool and bathing complex without being accompanied by an adult in charge of them.

8. Purchase of Membership Card

8.1. Prospective Club members will be asked to fill out a special form, provide 2 passport-sized photos (3x4 cm), a copy of their passport, and leave the completed form at the Club reception.
8.2. Decisions on membership issuance are at the discretion of the Club Administration.
8.3. A membership card will be issued to the member, who must present it before starting activities at the Club. Management reserves the right to deny access if the membership card is not presented.
8.4. Report the loss of the membership card to Club staff immediately.
8.5. Terms for terminating the contract between the Club and a member are defined by the conditions specified in the contract.

9. Visitor Registration

9.1. Visitors must clearly enter their last name, start time of Club use, and locker key number in the registration form.
9.2. One-time visitors must pay the guest fee before using the Club. The guest fee is independent of the duration of stay and the services received.
9.3. When leaving the Club, guests must record the time of departure in the registration form, return the locker key, and return all Club property to the reception.

10. Locker Usage Rules

10.1. Any visitor to the Club receives a free locker for the duration of their visit. They must enter the locker key number in the registration form.
10.2. Upon leaving the Club, the visitor must return the key and sign the registration form.
10.3. In case of key loss or removal from the Club’s premises, the key will be considered lost, and the lock will be replaced. The visitor who lost the key will be charged a fine according to the price list for lock replacement.

11. Liability

11.1. Guests participate in all Club activities at their own risk. The Club’s officials, staff, and trainers are not liable for any harm caused to guests' health as a result of physical exercises.
11.2. In case of damage caused to the Club by a guest, the guest is liable under the law (reimbursing the Club for any losses incurred).
11.3. Guests must strictly follow the Club's rules.
11.4. Non-compliance with the rules leads to the termination of relations between the Club and the client by the decision of the Administration.
11.5. The Club is not responsible for personal belongings and valuables left in lockers and on the Club premises.
11.6. Lost items found on the Club’s premises are kept for 3 months from the date of discovery. The Club is not responsible for lost or unattended items.
11.7. Any information (including personal data, addresses, phone numbers, employment information, attendance details, and other information) about hotel guests, Club members, prospective members, and Club staff is confidential and not subject to disclosure.